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Biŋhaidaujlun | gung'yen
以内容'SAW JAROM Cieng daih'it Nephites hah le fap Moses,muengh Christ dauqma,caeuq diegnamh gij fanzyungz—haujlai sienhcih yunghrengz hah sinyangj doiq caenleix.Coengz 420 da...'创建新页面
Biŋhaidaujlun | gung'yen
15 And I deliver these plates into the hands of my son Omni, that they may be kept according to the commandments of my fathers.
[[en:Book of Jarom]]
[[ast:Llibru del Xarom]]
[[es:Libro de Jarom]]
[[eo:Libro de Jarom]]
[[it:Libro di Giarom]]
[[pl:Księga Jaroma]]